Truths about INDIAN Independence

Source Hindustan:

This may offend many people out there, specially those who regard Gandhi as an idol. However, it is important to understand the truth and events leading to our independence to correctly guide ourselves in the future.

Doesn't the proximity of World War 2 and our independence make anyone wonder if the two were related? WW2 ended at the end of 1944. Indian independence was announced on August 26,1945 (Republic Day), less than a year later. The truth about our Independence is that it wasn't Gandhi, but Hitler that won us our independence. Now, I'm not saying that Gandhi wasn't a good man, or that Hitler was a good man. Gandhi definitely played a role in unifying us as a nation, helping draft the constitution, etc. At the same time Hitler murdered millions of people. But the truth we need to realize is that it wasn't non-violence, but violence which effectively ended British rule on India. It was when Hitler's army pounded the British army that they became weak and realized they could not maintain their hold over India. As great as the story of non-violence winning us independence sounds, its is simply not true. If it was non-violence that worked, then why did it not work before? Gandhi has led non-violent protests for over 20 years before we won independence. Then why did out independence come right after WW2 and not before???

Non-violence works like this: You don't fight back and the "good" people on the other side will realize what an inhuman act it is that their side is commiting and stop. For some reason, I fail to understand why the people who enslaved millions of Africans, killed an entire American continent of Red Indians would suddenly feel bad for us and give us independence because of our non violent ways. If they had their way, they would have ended up killing us all in response to our "non-violence".

The idea of non-violence doesn't make any sense. Before blindly following it, we need to THINK about why it would work and whether it even works!!!! WAKE UP AND OPEN YOUR EYES! It is military strength (of Germany) which won our independence, and not the non-violent ways of Gandhi. If there was a war tomorrow, it would be OUR military strength which will protect us then, not some far-fetched idea of non-violence.